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Impressions from Leganes - a teacher's point of view

A trip to Leganes in the Autonomous Community of Madrid was the third trip in the Erasmus + project, in which young people are preparing to enter the labor market. Second-grade students of XI LO, Alexandra Krzykawska, Aleksander Kuzera and Kamil Lalik worked hard to prepare for this foreign adventure. This time our journey took place without major obstacles, only a minor failure in the cabin delayed our departure from Frankfurt and we arrived in Madrid on Sunday 4 March an hour late. We were welcomed by the sun and true spring temperature + 13 ° C while we left Krakow with 15 degrees below zero. During the trip, we met friends from Latvia and at the airport in Madrid friends from Romania, so it was getting more and more bustling and happy. This trip was an exchange, so the students were to be hosted in the homes of their Spanish mates. They had met on Facebook before, but it's not the same as standing face to face, knowing that they were to spend all their time together for 7 days. In front of the hotel where the teachers were to stay, all hosting families were waiting. The first uncertain looks, greetings, "Kamil is going with us.", "Aleksandra, here!", You could pick out the English or Spanish words "home" and "dinner". In the evening of the same day, the youth decided to get to know each other better. For this, having fun together is the best way. Bowling and a cafe were chosen. The evening lasted until late because it was difficult to part.
On Monday we were warmly welcomed at the IES Pablo Neruda school by the Headmaster, teachers, and students. The school is a beautiful modern building made of red brick, it has large and bright classrooms, corridors are decorated with artistic works of students. First, there were integration activities and visiting the school. During the coffee break, we had delicious Jamon Iberico sandwiches, cheese, and sweets. Then there was a walk around the town and we visited the museum of sculpture in a large park. After lunch, a great challenge awaited the students. This was what they had prepared for so much before the arrival. Working in five international groups, each student had to be a teacher for 20 minutes and lead a peer-teaching lesson for their friends about something related to negotiations, making presentations and creative problem-solving. It is not easy to be a teacher, and an additional difficulty was to deal with a foreign language! Of course, our students have once again proved that they can cope with any challenge.
After a busy Monday, there came a rainy Tuesday, and our group gathered at the station to go on a trip to Madrid. Having taken a fast train, after 15 minutes we were in the city center. In the European Documentation Center in Madrid, an information meeting was organized for us. We learned how young people can benefit from the help and programs of the European Union in finding a job. In the meantime, the rain has diminished slightly, and we went to visit Madrid, which was something we had all been waiting for. Madrid is a perfect city for tourists, with beautiful parks, squares, palaces, monuments, and fountains. We had enough time to visit the famous Prado museum and walk the streets in Madrid by night towards the Atocha railway station. This station is really an unusual place - the old part of the railway station has been turned into a greenhouse with palm trees, lizards, and turtles.

On Wednesday, we had the busiest day - the day of soft skills workshops. In this part of the workshops, we practiced group decision making and group problem-solving. Activities prepared by partner schools were demanding, but also very interesting and often fun. You had to fit 15 people on one chair or build a pasta bridge. We also had a chance to talk to those participants who did not come to Leganes through a video conference.
On an interesting mobility, time passes very quickly. It was already Thursday and another day trip, this time to Segovia. Segovia is a beautiful town north of Madrid with a unique, perfectly preserved aqueduct built about two thousand years ago. The huge aqueduct crossing the main square of the town really makes an overwhelming impression, and the view of snow-capped peaks after going up the stairs to the top of the aqueduct is amazing. The aqueduct is not the only attraction of the town. There is also a beautiful Alcazar, which in the Middle Ages served as a royal palace, the favorite seat of the rulers of Castile, and a lot of buildings in the Romanesque style and even older. Segovia has charmed everyone.
Friday welcomed us with rain, we felt the atmosphere of sadness because it was our last day together. In the morning, students participated in various lessons together with their Spanish colleagues. It turned out that the Polish students were doing quite well during the Spanish trigonometry lesson. Then the Headmaster handed everyone certificates and we all visited the Town Hall, where we could talk to the Mayor. The last evening together could not be without a farewell party.
Saturday was the departure day. There were tears of emotion, promises of visits. We did not part forever. Today, the world is small with social media and Europe without borders. The Polish delegation spent the last few hours in Madrid visiting the museums Reina Sophia and Thyssen-Bornemisza with their magnificent collections of works of the most famous painters.
Thank you so much the Spanish team for giving us the opportunity to experience all that. Thank you, Marisa and Maria Jose! Thank you, Spanish Students! Thank you, the Spanish Hosting Families!
See you in October in Italy!

Monika Bartos
A Polish teacher

Impressions from Leganés as host school
Impressions from Romanian team from Leganés 

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