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A key factor to being a competent participant of the job market is having a variety of employment-related and entrepreneurial skills. In our project we are developing an educational tool that facilitate acquring these skills and can be used in secondary schools, universities or other institutions working with youth. It is the "Book of Good Practices", which is a set of practical activities to be used to improve soft skills.

The Book is divided into four chapters, each relating to one area of skills and including activities designed to practise 4-5 specific skills.  Each of the five partner schools supplied one activity to practise each of the skills. The activities were conducted during international workshops and assessed by the participants. The assessment is included in the book. 

The Book is also available in national languages of partner schools. 

Each chapter is available in two versions: with photos and without photos (faster to download).

Chapter One - Managing Yourself

​Presenting yourself

Strengths and weaknesses

Decision taking

Time management


Chapter Two - Motivation and Communication

Communication between people

Styles of motivationa

Initiating a conversation. Knowing when to say something and when not to.

Gathering information

Preparing and leading a discussion

Chapter Three - Interpersonal Skills

Group cooperation

Group problem solving

Group decision taking

Taking responsibility for decisions

Chapter Four - Entrepreneurial Skills

Creativity and planning of activities

Responsible management of money

Recognising ethical and unethical activity in economic activity

Activities related to business management

Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the results of this project does not constitute an endorsement of their contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

© Copyright 2016 by ErasmusPlus

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